Lava-Turquoise Stone Bracelet


Lava-Turquoise Stone Bracelet / Lava-Türkis Stein Armband

Real Natural Jewelry

Material: Natural Lava Stone and one Turquoise Stone
Handmade with a Uni Size Braclet AAA Strong Elastic Cyrstal Clear Synthetic Thread
Size: Uni
Echt Nature Schmuck
Material: Natur Lava Stein mit einem Natur Turquoise Stein
Handgemacht mit einem Uni Größen Armband AAA Starken Elastischen Kristall Klaren Synthetischen Faden
Größe: Uni

Condition/Zustand: New/Neu Handmade

20 in stock



Lava-Turquoise Stone Bracelet

Real Natural Jewelry

Material: Natural Lava Stone and one Turquoise Stone
Handmade with a Uni Size Braclet AAA Strong Elastic Cyrstal Clear Synthetic Thread
Size: Uni
Echt Nature Schmuck
Material: Natur Lava Stein mit einem Natur Turquoise Stein
Handgemacht mit einem Uni Größen Armband AAA Starken Elastischen Kristall Klaren Synthetischen Faden
Größe: Uni

Condition/Zustand: New/Neu Handmade /Handgemacht

Without Illuminated Sparkles Diamond Jewelry Engraving or Jewelry Label Logo Piece,
Only with display card packaging or normal foil bag packeging,
because unfortunately Illuminated Sparkles Diamond is not yet fully ready for the jewelry engraving and the label logo pieces, plus some jewellery pieces will never have logo engraving!

( Gramm and Size are not Calculated in The Additional Information! The Additional Information of Gram and Size is only for The Shippment and not for The Product)


Additional information

Weight 0,05 kg


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